

As you all know, information provided in a resume and information collected about the candidate during the initial screening is only one factor that helps determine whether a new hire will work out or not.

If you’re entering the recruitment process and interviewing, here are some other elements to consider.

Get People Involved

A candidate will always put his or her best foot forward during the interview process, which may not tell the whole story. With regard to the candidate’s alignment with company culture, it’s wise to draw on the respective intuitions of all of the members of the team when making the hiring decision.

One may see something in the candidate that is either a red flag or clear chemistry which may have eluded other interviewers. It’s useful to have some discussion with relevant team members before making a hiring decision.

A top-level decision-maker may not have the best sense of day-to-day company culture. Collaboration during interviewing and recruiting may result in the best outcome.

Think About the Future of the Company

It’s wise to consider the direction in which you’d like to see the company culture move. While you need to consider your company culture, hiring is an opportunity to change or develop that culture.

If your tendency is to hire over-achievers, and you’re seeing a lot of burnout and turnover, perhaps it’s time to revisit the culture of the organization, and decide how to mitigate that trend.

Conversely, if your staff needs a boost in motivation and productivity, make this the forefront of the hiring process.

Be Honest with Yourself about Training Costs

There will always be a learning curve for any new hire, no matter how experienced or qualified. No two organizations are alike, and the variability in job descriptions is vast. It’s crucial, therefore, to consider, identify, and understand:
• Where any shortfalls may exist in your candidate’s skillset.
• What resources will be required to bridge those shortfalls.
• If this investment in the new hire will enable the longer-term growth of both the individual and the organization

Foster a Holistic View of the Candidate’s Personality and Values

Work history, skill-set, and qualifications only speak to one part of the individual. In many cases, it’s the part least resembling the actual person. Showing an interest in the candidate’s life outside work can help to draw out their natural personality.

Learning more about an interviewees personality can help you to ascertain their principles, values, and personal goals. This can be very enlightening, particularly with regard to cultural chemistry. And it can set applicants apart when all else appears equal.

Don’t be afraid to go off script when interviewing. Eliciting an impromptu response to an unexpected question can provide a lot of valuable information about the real person you are considering hiring.

Making a new hire can be challenging. Keeping the interview process less rigid will help both you and the candidate feel more comfortable and it will offer you a deeper understanding of the person with whom you could be having a long and prosperous working relationship.

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