The economy is once again picking up, and companies are finally opening their doors to new hires.
Find out which jobs paid well and showed the most promise in 2013:
1.     Dentist –
We humans and our mouths full of teeth are so needy. So needy, in fact, that the demand for dentists will go up over 20% before the decade is over.
2.     Registered Nurse –
What do you get when you mix the Affordable Care Act and an aging generation of Baby Boomers? A high demand for nurses.
3.     Pharmacist –
We love our drugs. And knowledgeable folks with great people skills to dispense them.
4.     Computer Systems Analyst –
Orchestrate and oversee the flow between employee, computer, and the spectrum of tasks connecting human and machine.
5.     Physician –
Nurses may be superheroes, but they can’t handle all of those Baby Boomers alone.
6.     Database Administrator –
Data is being used more and more these days. If you know your way around a database, you can probably find work.
7.     Software Developer –
It’s as close as you’ll get to becoming a wizard in this day and age.
8.     Physical Therapist –
An aging population combined with our increasingly stagnant and stressful lifestyles puts this job in high demand.
9.     Web Developer –
Where creativity, organization, and computer science intersect.
10.  Dental Hygienist –
Work fewer than 40 hours per week, collect a fat paycheck, and land a job with ease.
11. Occupational Therapist –
Help folks navigate around their physical limitations.
12. Veterinarian –
If healing Baby Boomers isn’t for you, perhaps you’ll find your calling with other species. Vets will enjoy a 30% boost in employment opportunities by 2020.
13. Computer Programmer –
The robots won. The next logical step is for every company to fill their ranks with robot-whisperers to keep the machines happy.
14. School Psychologist –
Lend an ear and a helping hand to the littles and the not-so-littles.
15. Physical Therapist Assistant –
With the growth in Physical Therapist employment, assistants will also enjoy a 45% upswing before the end of the decade.
16. Interpreter/Translator –
The melting pot is a talkative one. Help boil it all down.
17. Mechanical Engineer –
Innovative, creative, detail-oriented, hands-on types will enjoy a future in making cool stuff.
18.  Veterinary Technician –
Assist veterinarians with the day-to-day operations while enjoying lots of promotion potential.
19. Epidemiologist –
This hunter of microscopic game in the petri jungle helps track and prevent public health problems from air quality effects to infections and outbreaks.
20. IT Manager –
Coordinate a team of IT professionals while enjoying a bank account overflowing with extra 1s and 0s.
21. Market Research Analyst –
This modern fortune-teller uses hard data and tracks trends, looking for the next big market winner.
22. Diagnostic Medical Sonographer –
Master the ins and outs of medical equipment and the patients to which they are attached.
23. Computer Systems Administrator –
The nerve center of an office’s communications network will enjoy tremendous growth in the next few years.
24. Respiratory Therapist –
Everyone must breathe.
25. Medical Secretary –
With eternally changing insurance rules and billing practices, this occupation is Grade-A job security.