On receiving a job offer, you will often receive a document to sign from your potential employer. If not, it is important that you write a letter to accept the offer formally.
Sending a job acceptance letter is the right way to ensure you are all on the same page about the terms of employment. If you have never written one of these letters before, you may not know where to start.
An acceptance letter does not have to be complex, following are a few steps to help you when writing your acceptance letter:
1. Share Your Gratitude and Enthusiasm
2. Confirm Your Acceptance
Summarize your understanding of your role and responsibilities. This ensures that the employer has a chance to correct any misunderstandings before the job begins.
3. Conclude With Any Additional Information
You may wish to share your full contact information in the closing lines to make it easy for your employer to contact you. You can also use this space to reiterate your enthusiasm, and ask any questions that have not been addressed.
4. Double Check
Take a minute to double check the letter and ensure there are no mistakes in information, spelling errors, or other issues. Go beyond built in spell checking programs, and actually read the letter word for word to make sure it is error-free before you send it away.
5. Keep Things Brief and Cheerful
Remember that your job acceptance letter does not need to be very long. Keep your letter brief in the interest of clarity and ease of communication. It should retain a cheerful, upbeat tone throughout the document, without going overboard. As always, remain professional in your correspondence with the employer – this is not the time for casual writing!
If you follow these steps, accepting a job offer in writing should be easy. Once your letter is finished, you can email, fax, or mail it to your employer. However you send it, remember to keep a copy for yourself and a record of when you sent it, as these might be useful for future reference.