HR Articles

Steps to Reduce the Time to Hire

Time to hire has been steadily increasing in recent years as unemployment rate reaching all time lows and job market still going strong.  But you still want your open positions to be filled now and you want to hire the best candidates available? By following a few best practices, you can achieve both. Here are a few steps to reduce [...]

By |2021-01-22T11:57:43-05:00November 22nd, 2019|HR Articles, Recruiting, Recruiting Articles, Recruiting Software|Comments Off on Steps to Reduce the Time to Hire

The Importance of Candidates’ Experience During the Hiring Process

When you seek someone for a job opening, it is easy to focus on the needs of your company. Reserve some time to think about your brand, however, and how that is reflected by your interview process. Social media is powerful and universal. It provides your candidates with an opportunity to complain, praise, or share information about your company. The [...]

By |2021-01-22T12:04:31-05:00September 6th, 2019|HR Articles, News, Recruiting, Recruiting Articles|Comments Off on The Importance of Candidates’ Experience During the Hiring Process

Geofencing for Recruiting

Finding the Right Candidate In Your Own Backyard With in-depth surveys and search software, online recruitment  made it easier than ever to find the perfect person to fill a position. The ideal person, however, often turned out to be out of your geographic area. Companies in Dallas were finding matches in Boston. Sure, that works for some companies. If you [...]

By |2021-01-22T12:11:23-05:00August 26th, 2019|HR Articles, Recruiting, Recruiting Articles|Comments Off on Geofencing for Recruiting

How to Improve Your Talent Acquisition Team Productivity

Finding and getting new talent is a challenging process under the best of circumstances. It’s even more difficult when the team responsible for recruiting talent is not operating at peak performance. Worse, your company cannot afford to have positions remain unfilled. How is this situation remedied? Some of the key aspects of improving talent acquisition include maximizing the efficiency of [...]

By |2020-01-22T14:33:41-05:00July 15th, 2019|HR Articles, News, Recruiting, Recruiting Articles|Comments Off on How to Improve Your Talent Acquisition Team Productivity
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