If you are in the market for a new ATS system to enhance your work flow, after a bit of research, probably will reach the conclusion that there are hundreds of options available on the market.
To make it ever more complicated for potential customers, each and every single ATS system on the market claims to be the top of the line product available today.
Greatest challenge that potential customers come to face is not just locating an ATS system, but finding the right system that can fit perfectly with their company’s work flow and step by step process.
Knowing what an ATS system is and what are your expectation of such system are the key to find the right ATS System.
At this point let’s get a clear understanding of an ATS system. Here is a definition from whatis.com:
An applicant tracking system (ATS), also called a candidate management system, is a software application designed to help an enterprise recruit employees more efficiently.
An ATS can be used to post job openings on a corporate Web site or job board, screen resumes, and generate interview requests to potential candidates by e-mail.
Other features may include individual applicant tracking, requisition tracking, automated resume ranking, customized input forms, pre-screening questions and response tracking, and multilingual capabilities.
It is estimated that roughly 50 percent of all mid-sized companies and almost all large corporations use some type of applicant tracking system.
Based on above definition, one can come to conclusion that an ATS system is designed to help recruiters manage flow of resumes and hiring process more effectively, provide recruiters capabilities to record date in more well-organized manner and easily accessible for future referral, enhance time management, reduce overall cost, and most importantly increase company’s productivity.
Although in general most ATS systems offer more or less same capabilities, there are some unique Systems available that put them separate from the rest of ATS systems on the market.
StaffingSoft is comprehensive cloud based Application tracking System that is designed around the way human resources, recruiters and consulting firms work.
Keeping in mind that time is the key for a right productive ATS system; StaffingSoft is developed to be a comprehensive package that helps to improve everyday work flow in all aspect of business process from resume management, to job management, time management, report management, candidate management and client management.
StaffingSoft system is a unique system in its complexity but at the same time simplified enough for all levels of professional to gain expertise of the system and its work flow in a very short time.
Each module is completed with an online help index that will easily guide new users to gain control and understanding on all and each of the options available in the system. In addition, StaffingSoft online support team is available 24/7 to further assist users with their queries and questions.
Other than its time saving capabilities, ease of use, and 24/7 customer service, additional advantages that StaffingSoft offers to its clients can be seen in its innovative tools and ongoing updates that are available to our clients free of charge.
Unlike other ATS Systems available on the market, StaffingSoft is a comprehensive package offered at a low affordable price comparable with prices available on the market.
StaffingSoft is an enterprise-wide Applicant Tracking System Recruiting Software featuring a suite of tools that effectively integrate and manage talent recruiting, retention, and management from internal staff, to outside vendors, to candidates globally.