
El diagrama de flujo del proceso de contratación: de principio a fin

During the recruitment and selection process, HR managers need to identify job openings, determine job requirements, review job applications, and select the most suitable candidates.   The recruitment process can be a nerve-wracking experience unless you have the right tools at your disposal. One of these is a recruitment process flowchart, also known as a recruitment workflow.  It is an invaluable [...]

Por |2023-08-08T15:41:26-05:007 de marzo de 2022|Artículos de recursos humanos|Comentarios desactivados en The Recruitment Process Flowchart: From Start To Finish

Diez componentes clave de un marco de gestión del talento

Talent management is key to the success of any business.  And it is the role of the HR department to manage and optimize the organization’s most important asset - the employees. A talent management system enables you to assess skills gaps in the company. It identifies the talent required to fulfill positions, in order for the company to achieve its [...]

Por |2022-03-02T13:14:10-05:002 de marzo de 2022|Artículos de recursos humanos|Comentarios desactivados en 10 Key Components of a Talent Management Framework

Gestión del talento versus gestión del desempeño: la guía definitiva

Talent management and performance management may be similar. Although, their long-term goals are different. Understanding this subtle difference can help HR managers. You can do this by structuring talent management and performance management strategies. Read our guide for a better understanding of these two areas of HR management. Talent Management vs Performance Management: What’s The Difference? Essential features of talent [...]

Por |2022-02-25T11:47:43-05:00febrero 23, 2022|Artículos de recursos humanos|Comentarios desactivados en Talent Management vs Performance Management: The Ultimate Guide

Todos los beneficios del sistema de seguimiento de candidatos

Automated processes can help a great deal with boosting productivity, reducing paperwork, and saving time in any business. When it comes to the recruitment of new employees, this is especially true. One of the main components of a talent management framework is an applicant tracking system. In this guide, we will take a look at all the benefits of an [...]

Por |2022-02-16T11:42:58-05:0016 de febrero de 2022|Artículos de recursos humanos|Comentarios desactivados en All The Benefits of Applicant Tracking System
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