
Los 5 beneficios clave de utilizar un sistema de seguimiento de candidatos

The days of unorganized files and paperwork are long gone. Hiring in today's market is much more sophisticated and competitive than in the past. Candidates can easily apply to a wider variety of jobs, with a bigger pool. Yet, a bigger pool means more challenges to find the right talent. Companies want to find the best fit and candidates want [...]

Por |2021-07-06T08:55:35-05:0030 de marzo de 2021|Artículos de recursos humanos, Artículos de reclutamiento|Comentarios desactivados en The 5 Key Benefits of Using An Applicant Tracking System

¿Cómo puede un sistema de seguimiento de candidatos mejorar su proceso de selección?

Jobs that attract many applicants are exciting but also frustrating.  There are many opportunities to find a great candidate, yet searching is time-consuming. With so many candidates, how can hiring managers or recruiters know they are making the right choice? Reviewing an entire document is one thing. But, it is a lot of work to sort through resumes, schedule interviews, [...]

Por |2021-06-30T15:20:08-05:0015 de marzo de 2021|Artículos de recursos humanos, Artículos de reclutamiento|Comentarios desactivados en How Can an Applicant Tracking System Improve Your Selection Process?

Diez razones por las que necesitas un sistema de incorporación

Orientation takes a few days and happens once. Onboarding, however, is ongoing and takes place over a longer period. It helps a new hire find his place and, perhaps, his voice. Keeping new hire information organized, however, can be challenging.   An automated, onboarding system removes the burden. You can benefit from a high-quality onboarding without the associated headaches.   [...]

Por |2021-01-31T11:40:44-05:0025 de enero de 2021|Artículos de recursos humanos|Comentarios desactivados en 10 Reasons Why You Need an Onboarding System

Diez señales de que necesita un sistema de seguimiento de candidatos

An applicant tracking system helps you overcome many business hiring challenges. If you’re using a spreadsheet, please read on to understand why applicant tracking systems are not luxury software. They can be critical to a business’s success. Check out these ten signs that you may need an applicant tracking system: You’re using spreadsheets to track applicants When businesses start using [...]

Por |2021-01-31T13:02:46-05:0018 de enero de 2021|Artículos de recursos humanos, Reclutamiento|Comentarios desactivados en 10 Signs You Need an Applicant Tracking System
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