Estrategia de reclutamiento

Redes sociales en la contratación: mejores prácticas para aprovechar las plataformas para encontrar los mejores talentos

In today's digital age, social media has revolutionized the way businesses and organizations connect with individuals across the globe. One area where social media has significantly impacted the recruitment process is in sourcing and attracting top talent. With millions of active users on various platforms, recruiters now have access to an extensive pool of potential candidates.  However, to make the [...]

Por |2023-06-15T11:19:09-05:0015 de junio de 2023|Artículos de recursos humanos|Comentarios desactivados en Social Media in Recruiting: Best Practices for Leveraging Platforms to Find Top Talent

8 estrategias de reclutamiento para contratar los mejores talentos

Organizations of all sizes including enterprises will need recruiting strategies in order to hire top talents. For a long-term continuous success of the business, different recruitment tasks will need to be completed. The responsibilities for those open job positions should be carried out by skilled and qualified professionals. Their background and experience need to be a good fit with your [...]

Por |2021-12-30T11:15:40-05:0010 de agosto de 2021|Artículos de recursos humanos, Artículos de reclutamiento|Comentarios desactivados en 8 Recruiting Strategies to Hire Top Talent
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