
Estrategias ganadoras para triunfar en una entrevista in situ

Estrategias ganadoras para triunfar en una entrevista in situ

Estrategias ganadoras para triunfar en una entrevista in situ

¡Felicidades! Un posible empleador revisó su currículum y le gustó. Ha completado con éxito su entrevista telefónica y ahora ha sido invitado a una entrevista presencial cara a cara. ¿Qué debe hacer para aprobar la entrevista in situ y obtener una oferta? A continuación he expuesto algunas estrategias que deberían aumentar sus probabilidades de recibir una oferta y, con suerte, será un trabajo que realmente le gustará.

Preparación de la entrevista

You probably have done a lot of this before you had your phone interview, but you must make sure that you thoroughly review the company’s website.  This review should include detailed research into the company’s products/services as well as review of the website’s News and Press Release sections.

In addition, please try to obtain from the company a list of who you will be meeting at the interview.  If you can get this list, then review each of the interviewers’ LinkedIn profiles (if each interviewer has one).  You want to make sure that you review each interviewers’ job title, duties, previous experience, and education.  Also, look to see if you have any common connections with each interviewer.  All this serves as an “ice breaker” to open up the conversation.  Also, you never know that a common connection may be able to serve as a strong reference for you.  Any edge in the interview is a help!

También es posible que la empresa le solicite que complete un aplicaciones en linea antes de su entrevista en el sitio. Asegúrate de hacer esto.

Vestimenta para la entrevista

Prior to going for the interview, make sure that you discuss with your recruiting contact what is the best attire to wear for the interview.  My advice is always over-dress for the interview even if the company’s work place is business casual.  However, it is best to check first with your recruiting contact just to make sure.

Direcciones/cronograma de la entrevista

It may seem simple, but you need to make sure that you know the directions to the interview; especially if you have never been to the company or area before.  You may be leaving your current job to go the onsite interview, so things may be a bit frantic.  Also, make sure to leave in plenty of time in case traffic is a problem.  If you do begin to run late, make sure that you call ahead to inform your recruiting contact.  If you call ahead and inform that person that you are running late, you will not be penalized.  Try to arrive about 15 minutes ahead of your interview, so you can “freshen up” before the interview.

Entrevista real

Most companies will want you to meet a number of people in your onsite interview.  The list may range from management to peers.  The interview may last all day or part of one day (depending of the level of the role).  Most companies have a “cut-off” in the interview.  For example, if the interview is not going well, the company may let the person go before lunch (if the interview started in the morning).  If an interview is going well, a lunch meeting may be included along with more interviews in the afternoon.  The process may be grueling, but it is a great sign if you are kept a long time!  Companies will want you to meet as many people as possible, because most companies value the feedback that they receive from both management and peers.

Solo recuerde, es posible que muchos de los entrevistadores no tengan mucha experiencia en entrevistar candidatos, así que asegúrese de participar en la entrevista. Hágales preguntas sobre su trabajo, cómo llegaron a trabajar en la empresa, qué los mantiene en la empresa, etc. ¡Dale la vuelta y entrevístelos! Al mismo tiempo que lo están entrevistando para determinar si encaja perfectamente, usted también debería entrevistarlos para ver si la empresa es adecuada para usted.

Asegúrese de recibir tarjetas de presentación de todos y envíe una breve entrevista de agradecimiento a cada entrevistador. No está de más hacer esto y ciertamente puede marcar la diferencia entre ser contratado o no.

Seguimiento de la entrevista

If you have not heard from your recruiting contact within 48 hours regarding feedback from your interview, don’t hesitate to reach out.  A delay in receiving feedback may not necessarily be a bad thing as hiring managers do travel or the company may not have finished the interview process.  You should have had some sense of the timing of the decision after you interviewed onsite.


Creo que siguiendo estas prácticas deberías mejorar enormemente la probabilidad de recibir ofertas. ¡Mucha suerte en la próxima entrevista!


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