Artículos de recursos humanos

¿El beneficio de un sistema de incorporación y cómo puede ayudar StaffingSoft?

One of the reasons for high employee turnover in a business is a poor onboarding. In a world in which corporate culture is increasingly important, onboarding is more valuable than ever. Onboarding is more than making sure that a new hire knows “the ropes.” It’s an ongoing, two-way procedure that helps a new staff member integrate with existing teams and [...]

Por |2021-01-20T17:11:43-05:005 de noviembre de 2020|Artículos de recursos humanos|Comentarios desactivados en The Benefit of an Onboarding System and How StaffingSoft Can Assist?

Diez consejos para enviar mensajes de texto al comunicarse con los candidatos

With many millennials and younger people in today's candidate pool, it makes sense to communicate with them in a modern manner. This means communicating via text in some cases. There are many advantages to communicating via text. The top benefits of communicating via SMS/MMS are speed, cost-effectiveness, and accessibility. With the right etiquette and understanding, you can make the most [...]

Por |2021-01-20T17:20:58-05:00octubre 22, 2020|Artículos de recursos humanos|Comentarios desactivados en 10 Text Messaging Tips When Communicating with Candidates

¿Debería convertirme en especialista en adquisición de talentos o en reclutador?

Deciding between talent acquisition or recruitment is important. While they are similar areas, they mean very different things. Since people tend to know less about talent acquisition than recruitment, we’ll spend more time considering talent acquisition here. Let’s take a look at the typical characteristics of recruitment and talent acquisition to determine whether you would like to become a talent [...]

Por |2021-01-30T10:25:22-05:0014 de octubre de 2020|Artículos de recursos humanos, Reclutamiento, Artículos de reclutamiento|Comentarios desactivados en Should I become a Talent Acquisition Specialist or a Recruiter?

Las 10 ventajas más populares para los empleados en 2020

The bottom line for employees or employers is no longer just about salaries and profits. The new bottom line is about people, mutual respect, and healthy lifestyles. A business that chooses its employee perks carefully is investing in its people and, thus, its future. With careful thought, a company can offer perks tailored to the kind of people it wants [...]

Por |2021-05-18T16:55:49-05:008 de octubre de 2020|Artículos de recursos humanos, Artículos de reclutamiento|Comentarios desactivados en Top 10 Popular Employee Perks in 2020
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