Artículos de recursos humanos

Los 10 mejores servicios de redacción de currículums para ejecutivos en 2018

With 100s of resume writing services on the internet, it can be hard to determine which one is truly the best solution for you. Don’t worry. We have done all the heavy lifting of having to research credible resume writing companies for you. Taking into consideration a variety of factors; pricing, timeliness, resume design, etc. we have accumulated what we [...]

Diferencias entre headhunters y reclutadores

If you are in the middle of a job search, you may hear the words “recruiter” and “headhunter” come up. Both are considered “good people to know” when you are a job seeker, but what exactly makes them different? When you find out what each person does, it will also help you see which person you should try to connect [...]

Por |2021-01-25T14:58:05-05:0015 de agosto de 2018|Artículos de recursos humanos, Artículos de reclutamiento|Comentarios desactivados en Differences Between Headhunters and Recruiters

Cómo negociar su paquete de indemnización

One common misconception is that every employee is entitled to twenty-one days to assess offers for termination packages. Unfortunately, that isn’t accurate. In instances in which the employer only is offering a severance package to a single employee, and the staff member is under age 40, there isn’t any specified period to assess the paperwork that is required by law. [...]

Por |2020-05-19T15:06:18-05:0010 de agosto de 2018|Artículos de recursos humanos|Comentarios desactivados en How To Negotiate Your Severance Package

Señales de que estás trabajando con un buen reclutador

Hoy, en 2018, es más difícil que nunca encontrar un buen reclutador. Quiero enfatizar la palabra "bueno" porque de ninguna manera es difícil encontrar un reclutador. De hecho, hay demasiados reclutadores. Según IBISWorld, sólo en Estados Unidos hay más de 300.000 reclutadores. Lamentablemente, sólo un pequeño porcentaje de ellos son buenos reclutadores. I [...]

Por |2021-01-25T15:02:02-05:007 de agosto de 2018|Artículos de recursos humanos, Artículos de reclutamiento|Comentarios desactivados en Signs You’re Working with a Good Recruiter
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